Ζητήματα σχεδιασμού και υλοποίησης ηλεκτρονικών λεξικών της νέας ελληνικής
electronic dictionaries, online dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, software developmentΠερίληψη
This paper presents the design and compilation of two online specialized dictionaries of Modern Greek: (1) Modern Greek Words of Ancient Origin and Changed Meaning (MAG) http://www.ocean.upatras.gr/mag/ and (2) Dictionary of Youth Slang http://lexislang.neurolingo.gr/index.php. Those dictionaries are “collaborative”, built by university students according to specific lexicographic guidelines. For the implementation of the two applications, which carried out with continuous formative evaluation, the prototyping method was used. Their construction was based on the free-to-use HTML, XML, Javascript, PHP languages and MySQL database and the applications are running on World Wide Web. Both of them seem to have on the one hand a potential for the timeless recording of the youth language and for the utilization of the content in the language course of the last grades of primary and secondary school, on the other.