Μεταγλωσσική διερεύνηση της σημασιολογικής διαφάνειας στα μετονοματικά παράγωγα της κοινής νεοελληνικής
semantic transparency, rating tasks, familiarity, frequency, morphological family size, extra-linguistic ‒ socio-linguistic factorsΠερίληψη
This paper examines effects of certain linguistic and extra-linguistic factors on semantic transparency, with regard to denominal suffixation in Standard Modern Greek. We conducted three semantic relatedness rating tasks with overall 566 word pairs and 240 participants. The analyses by items, i.e. correlation of semantic transparency ratings with standard deviations, as well as effects of familiarity, frequency, and morphological family size, imply a dichotomous metalinguistic account of semantic transparency. On the other hand, the analyses by participants revealed significant effect of faculty type, with participants from the Humanities having higher rating and familiarity scores than participants from other faculties.