Ελεύθερες αναφορικές προτάσεις στην Ελληνική: Μια ανάλυση με βάση τον επανακαθορισμό της κατηγοριακής ταυτότητας
free relative, category matching, case matching, case attraction, reprojection, relabelingΠερίληψη
Free relatives in Greek exhibit obligatory category matching, so that the element that includes the wh-phrase determines the category of the FR. Based on this observation, I put forward the hypothesis that Greek FRs involve relabeling and that it is the element which includes the wh-phrase that projects, as it moves and merges with C, and not the C head. I also evaluate two approaches of relabeling, the one proposed by Citko (2008), according to which both simple and complex wh-phrases can project, and the one proposed by Donati and Cecchetto (2011), according to which only simple wh-phrases can project. I show that, in contrast with Italian and English, Greek FRs with complex wh-phrases behave as proper FRs, providing evidence for Citko’s approach.