Ενδοκεντρικά και εξωκεντρικά σύνθετα στην ελληνική ομοφυλοφιλική αργκό καλιαρντά
Modern Greek gay argot Kaliardà, compounding, endocentricity, exocentricityΠερίληψη
The aim of this paper is to analyze the compounds in the Modern
Greek gay argot Kaliardà with respect to their endocentricity
or exocentricity. Based on the Ralli and Andreоu’s model (2012),
according to which exocentricity is not absolute and can be
categorical, morphological and syntactic.
I conclude that exocentricity, and indeed absolute exocentricity,
is mainly found in the suffixed compounds, and the reason
is that because of the combination of two lexical bases
and not words there is more flexibility in the choice of the right
component of the compound.