The main goal of this project is to develop expert intelligence tools to be incorporated in commercial energy management platforms for proactive energy management in buildings to further optimize energy savings. To this end, three (3) fuzzy logic powered tools will be deployed to be incorporated in well-known SaaS platforms used for energy management to further improve decision making related to smart fault detection and diagnostics as well as intelligent predictive maintenance of basic building equipment. The first tool, the so-called expert FDD analyser, will be a core fault detection and diagnostics tool related to common building equipment, such as HVACs, PV plants, pumps, etc., enhancing ongoing monitoring-based performance management of building systems to save energy and extend equipment life. The second tool, the so-called HVAC system optimizer, will be based on a fuzzy inference engine for optimizing HVAC system operation in order to increase comfort, reduce energy costs and shift peak demand. Finally, the third tool, the so-called maintenance expert, will be a cost-effective maintenance tool to predict future maintenance needs on basic building equipment with the view of further optimizing its operation across time.