Youth unemployment remains a serious concern in Europe. Poverty rates are higher for young people than for the overall population and involun-tary part-time work or protracted temporary positions expose this generation to a risk of long-term poverty. Even if the number of young people, who want to start their own business, increased, they perceive an actual beginning of their business as unrealistic due to shortage of financial and other sources. So, it is vital to inspire and motivate young people to start their own business, assist them in gaining strong entrepreneurship skills and competences, and ensure that the next generation of professionals have strong knowledge and entrepreneur-ship spirit. Biz4Fun is an Erasmus+ project, that utilizes a 3D Virtual World as the medium to attract and teach young people the necessary skills for establish-ing and running a successful start-up business. A relevant curriculum has been developed, along with learning material and scenarios, implemented in the 3D World based on Gamification approaches.