Institutional supervision and teachers’ professional competency development in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Oyo State, Nigeria


  • BABATUNDE AKANMU ISIAKA University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • ILHAN GUNBAYI Akdeniz University, Turkey
  • ADEDAPO ADETIBA ATOLAGBE University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • OLUBUKOLA JAMES OJO University of Ilorin, Nigeria


Mots-clés :

Institutional supervision, challenge adjustment, policy conformance, interaction initiation and professional competency


This study investigated institutional supervision and teachers’ professional competency development in public secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey method of research was adopted for the study. The study randomly selected 15 schools as the research sample and 20 teachers were selected from each school purposively making a total of 300 respondents in the study area. Data were obtained from the respondents through a self-designed questionnaire titled, ‘Institutional Supervision Questionnaire’ (ISQ) and ‘Teachers Professional Competency Development Questionnaire’ (TPCDQ). Mean and rank-order were used to answer the research question while Pearson product-moment correlation statistics was used to test the hypotheses formulated. All the formulated hypotheses were rejected. This revealed that there was no relationship between assistance in adjusting to challenge, facilitating conformance to policy and initiation of effective interaction and the teachers’ professional competency development. The study made the following recommendations amongst others; adherence to policies formulated by the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) on the educational system would go a long way in contributing to the educational advancement of the nation, supervisors should ensure adequate conformance to policy in such a way that it will influence teacher’s professional competency development.


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